Wholesale Peaches

Ripe and Delicious

Country Boy Produce offers wholesale peaches to grocers and produce stand owners in Raleigh, North Carolina and Fort Myers, Florida typically available early May through Labor Day.

Ripe Wholesale Peaches

Loading Peaches into Racks

Fresh Peaches Anyone?

Fresh Delicious Peaches

Country Boy Produce starts South Carolina peaches around May 10 with the cling peaches, which means they cling to seed. Our peaches come from North and South Carolina.  They are picked directly from trees into handle baskets . Which are loaded on racks for transport to markets. So, yes our peaches still have fuzzy on them, cause they are straight from tree to your hands and mouth which ensures juicy ripe peaches for your customers.

Our freestone varieties generally start around first July and run thru rest of summer til we finish up around Labor Day with South Carolina peaches.

Raleigh, North Carolina

Country Boy Produce, 1225 Farmers Market Drive, Box 18, Raleigh, NC 27603

Fort Myers, Florida

Country Boy Produce, 15880 Summerlin Rd, Suite 300-107, Fort Myers, FL 33908

Get In Touch

Call (919) 630-5899 or send an email using the form here.

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